Did I Get It Right This Time? Dress Over Pants Trend

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Summer is officially here, but I'm not here for it.  Don't get me wrong, while I've looked forward to summer fashion all winter long.  I can't stand that heat makes me sweat.  Even a slight glisten makes me feel icky.  But that's not what I'm talking about today.

Today I'm talking about my fascination with the dress over a pair of pants trend.  The first time I tried it, I made a mess of it - see for yourself (here).  The goal is to look cool and stylish, however layering can be tricky.  I think that's were I went wrong the first time.  Can we say #outfitfail?

This time around I think I did alright.  I bought this dress because of the print.  And while it had no hanger appeal, it had character and potential.  Belting the dress was a must, because without it, this look would have been worst then my first effort.  I choose these deep blue low-rise ankle skinnies from F21 to wear underneath my dress because the wash was perfect for this look.  

Guys, why did I struggle so much when deciding on the right bag?  Even now, I'm thinking I should have went with another option.  My shoes on the other hand complimented the entire look. Overall, this ensemble came together.  What say ye?  Would you attempt this trend?  Let's talk about it down in the comments.   


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