Celebrating My Dad's 60th Birthday


Hi Stylenista's!

It's been a few days since my last post and I feel like it's been months.  You see the way my life is set up, I'm not able to post as often as I'd like.  Not only is my son now playing basketball, it's also cold as ice outside.  What does the two have to do with each other? Not a thing!

N-E-Who! I mentioned in my last post that I would be celebrating my dad's 60th birthday this past Saturday.  So the outfit that I had planed on wearing almost didn't come together.  As I knew I would, I waited til the last minute to start working on my attire only to find out that I didn't have enough tulle.  My husband was leaving to run an errand so I asked him to pick me up a roll of tulle.  Would you believe that even after showing him a picture of what I needed, he still came home with the wrong thing - go figure.  Well being the creative being that I am, I worked it out anyhow.  The first look was styled for Thrifting Atlanta's Fashion Week Style Wars competition and the second look was for my dad's birthday dinner.  Which do you like better?  

Oh, I almost forgot... My dad surprised my mom by using his birthday dinner to renew their wedding vows.  How awesome was that, major points for that.


Thrift Style Academy


A Little Rough Around The Edges