An Open Letter To My Mom and Sisters


Becoming a mom at 17 grew me up real quick.  Never in a million years did I think getting pregnant at such a young age would have happened to me, but it did.  Thinking that my life was heading down the drain, there was one person in my corner rooting me on and forcing me to keep moving forward.  That person was my mom (and she’s still in my corner cheering me on).  For that reason, I’m forever grateful to this wonderful women.  So mom this is for you.

Dear mom,  I love you sooooooo much!  I can’t even imagine how my life would be without you or how it would have turned out if not for you, your prayers and God.  Thanks for being an example of a great mom and wife.  Thanks for not giving up on me when I wanted to give up on myself.  Also thanks for not letting me ruin my life when I tried everything in my power to do so.  Although I’ve apologized many times before, I’m still apologizing for all the pain and trouble I caused you growing up.  I now know that all you wanted was the best for me.  Mom you’re an amazing women and I appreciate you.  Because of you I’m a better wife and mom and for that I celebrate you on Mother’s day and every other day you’re my mom. xoxo

To my young sisters, even though I might not tell you as much as I should I love you both.  Writing this post I’m reminded of that one time when Shawn you ironed a pair of my shorts, burned them and put them back in my drawer like I wasn’t going to notice it.  Jen, I remember when you use to cry so hard that you’d pass out.  Watching you two grow up, becoming somebody’s wife and mother (which I still can’t believe Jen is a mom) is a wonderful thing.  I’m actually proud of you which is why I wouldn’t trade you guys for any other sisters.  I’m just so lucky to have you guys as my siblings.  My prayer for you both is that you continue to grow and be awesome because whether you know it or not I’m rooting for you to chase your dreams and to do big things. 

All in all I love you guys and I’m wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Photography: Kaylin James


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